Yoga may prevent or even reverse the thinning of bone osteopenia and osteoporosis? In this interview
Dr. Loren Fishman and Ellen
Soltonstoll, co-authors discuss these issues and talk about some important precautions yoga teacher should be aware of when teaching yoga for people with osteopenia or osteoporosis. * Dr. Fishman and Ellen Soltonstoll teach in 6 part online course on
November 10 - 28. Enter the code YOGADORK control of a 20% discount if you register by November 20. More >> << By Eva Norlyk Smith, Ph.D., op-500
Eva Norlyk Smith: You wrote a book on yoga for osteoporosis and in the process of large-scale study on the bone building benefits of yoga. What made you interested in this question first? Dr. Loren Fishman
: Well, osteoporosis is one of the most common chronic diseases in the Western Hemisphere. It is difficult to overestimate its impact on health. It affects 44 million Americans, more than half are over the age of 50 years. It is 50 percent of all women over 50 and 25 percent of all men. We care so much about breast cancer in women, but in reality, the risk of hip fracture is equal to the combined risk of breast cancer, uterus and ovaries! This is not only women who are at risk. Men over age 50 actually more likely to fracture a hip than prostate cancer. Fully 25 percent of people with hip fractures die within a year. Another 25 percent of entering nursing homes will never go away. Thus, half of people infected with hip fracture have a very significant change in life. So this is a great time. Ellen Soltonstoll: We also see that more and more people in middle and older age range willing to try yoga. They should know how to practice safely and effectively, and teachers must know how to teach safety in this age group. Yoga can help people with various health issues, and especially nice for the empowerment of people who start to feel soft as they age. So when Loren proposed we do a book together, it was a natural step. I teach Anusara yoga, which is well suited for therapeutic use. ENS: Traditionally, people refer to weight training to strengthen bones. Do you have evidence that yoga really helps strengthen bones? Dr. Loren Fishman
: We have a lot of research going on right now, still waiting for results. However, we conducted a preliminary study on a smaller sample for two years. We looked at before and after measurement of bone density of people who practice yoga regularly, compared with the group that did not (control group). We found that the control group lost about. 1 unit of T-scale bone density. Yoga group, on the other hand, experience. 75 point for the bone density of the spine, and more. 9 point for the thighs. Thus, studies do show that yoga is a strong incentive to build bone. We are currently running a wider study to ensure that the results confirm. I will talk about this study in our online course, which we'll talk more specifically about how to use yoga to combat osteoporosis, and that yoga teachers need to know to teach yoga people with osteoporosis. ENS: You still takes people to learn? Loren Fishman: Yes, we do. Many others come because I got some information >> << and mass media and more people learned about the study. But we will probably close it for about 6 months or a year. ENS: What are the mechanics of how yoga can affect bone growth? Ellen Soltonstoll: It is believed that stress increases the bearing strength of bones. This squeezing pressure on the bones. However, we found that different types of pressure, not only supporting, but also stimulates the bone. When bone stimulates cravings working muscles, they squeeze more protein and strengthening to cope with the demand. This tensile stress. What yoga does offer a wide range of possibilities for compression and stretching in positions that are much different than everyday life. Many yoga postures put a significant burden on the healthy hips and lower back, which are areas that are measured on bone density. The practice of yoga involves a dynamic tension is used to enter and exit the positive and stable resistance to holding lasix drug side effects poses, often with two body parts are in opposition to each other. Both types of healthy stress to improve bone strength. ENS: What are some other benefits of yoga can be for people with osteoporosis, in addition to increasing bone density? Loren Fishman: Yes, very much. The great thing about osteoporosis, most people focus on bone mass, but in reality the risk of fracture you have to worry about. And when it comes to damage prevention, yoga is very useful in many ways. Yoga improves sense of balance, improves range of motion, improves your overall agility and grace of movement. This reduces the probability of you and bring destruction. ENS: What is the best advice you can give to young people, for example, in the 20's and 30's who want to avoid osteoporosis in the first place? Loren Fishman: The earlier you start preventing osteoporosis, the better. The best time to strengthen the bones actually when you are in the 30's. Most people achieve peak bone mass somewhere between 30 and 40. So you want to get enough deposits in the bank bone, so that with age and begin to lose bone mass, you start from the maximum strength. You do not want to be in a position, balance due, as would happen if you do not put anything and start material. So get yourself a regular exercise regimen that you like that can not be the same every day. Get that working and let it grow with you for many years. Then, when your bone mass does begin to decline, it will decline more slowly with yoga than without it. ENS: What teachers of yoga, keep in mind when teaching yoga aging population, many of which may have osteoporosis? Ellen Soltonstoll: It is important to go to class to avoid fear or negligence, but at the same time to empower students with confidence and encourage them to higher levels of activity than they did to themselves. In addition, there are several precautions teachers should be aware of. Avoid spinal flexion postures (traditional forward bends, with the spine rounded), and to teach healthy alternatives. Back bending postures when walking thus increase the incentives for the spine and improve posture. With the fall of the greatest risk in osteoporosis, is balancing, promote stability and good coordination are important skills for the job. Finally, in our approach to teaching yoga for the treatment of osteoporosis, we use concrete actions in positions to help build overall muscle strength and build the habit of using that power in everyday life. There are many other things, of course, but the main. Loren Fishman: If you have osteoporosis or other health condition, it is best to tell your teacher of yoga. And if you are a teacher of yoga teaching older students, it is best to ask your students if they have low bone mass, and you better educate yourself on how to work with people that specific conditions. It is really important. For centuries, yoga has always taught one on one. And there is reason for this - as is to be adapted frequently. This does not work this way on the path of yoga taught in the U.S. right now, but it is important for teachers of yoga to know how to adapt poses to people with low bone mass. For more tips on teaching yoga to treat osteoporosis, download a free report and Lauren Ellen here:
Sign up for 6 parts online course led by Dr. Fishman and Ellen Soltonstoll on. (Remember YOGADORK code for 20%!) >> << Previous Tags:,,,,
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